Tītoko o Te Ao
Leadership in Action in Whānau Ora
Tītoko o Te Ao
Please note: This programme will not be offered in 2024
Tītoko o te Ao: Leadership in Action in Whānau Ora is a leadership Programme that will be specifically designed for emerging Māori leaders with an emphasis on implementing Whānau Ora across sectors.
Profile for Titoko o te Ao read here.
Participants will be exposed to key leaders of today with cutting edged insights into leadership and tikanga Māori, as well as being provided with leadership tools such as communication skills, strategic thinking, project design and management, policy, collaborative networking, reflective practice, writing papers and other skills.
Tītoko o te Ao has now been fully evaluated and the Final Evaluation Report here.
It is clear that leadership is the essential catalyst for community action, change, the influencing of health, social systems, the machinery of organisations and government and the mobilisation of people and resources.
The programme view is that if emerging leaders from different sectors are trained together in a similar environment, when they network together, share ideas and resources from their respective positions, and when they plan projects together under the common goal of Whānau Ora, this should transcend the current organisational demarcations and silos which hinder the true potential of inter-sectorial collaboration.
The short term outcomes will be for the emerging leaders themselves and the skills they develop as a rōpu and network. The emerging leaders will be able to work in a way espoused by Whānau Ora that is reshaping services that they lead or that under their influence; better co-ordinating services and service interventions; focusing on whānau as opposed to the individual; better utilising and marshalling their resources; and empowering whānau to their own aspirations.
Any queries please contact Tania directly - tania@digitalindigenous.co.nz